This premises was found to be in compliance with the Health Protection and Promotion Act R.S.O. 1990.
This premises was found to be in compliance with the Health Protection and Promotion Act R.S.O. 1990.
Not in Compliance
Samples are taken in the form of grab samples, unless continuous monitoring equipment is either authorized under this Regulation or is required by a public health inspector.
- Samples must be taken in the form of grab samples.
Not in Compliance
A designated operator is trained in the operation, maintenance and relevant safety and emergency procedures for the system.
- Ensure that every operator of the system is trained in small drinking water system operation and maintenance and all relevant safety and emergency procedures.
Not in Compliance
The owner and operator of the small drinking water system shall ensure that the sample is taken and handled in accordance with the instructions of the laboratory to which the sample will be delivered for testing.
- Follow proper sample collection procedure.
Not in Compliance
Samples are taken in a manner that meets the requirements of the regulation.
- Take samples from the point at which water enters the small drinking water systems distribution system or plumbing that is connected to the small drinking water system.
Not in Compliance
Frequency of sampling and equipment checks meet the requirements of the Regulation.
- Take quarterly samples at least 60 days and not more than 120 days after a sample was taken for that purpose in the previous three-month period.
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