Safety Inspections


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In Compliance
Routine inspection on December 06, 2024

This premises was found to be in compliance with the Health Protection and Promotion Act R.S.O. 1990.

Not in Compliance
Routine inspection on December 04, 2024

Not in Compliance


Emergency telephone meets requirements for facility type.

  • Class B Pool - provide a telephone for emergency use accessible, and no farther than 30 metres from the pool.
  • Enforcement action taken.

Not in Compliance


Facility operational requirements met

  • Every owner and every operator must maintain all components of the pool or spa in proper working order.
In Compliance
Routine inspection on July 23, 2024

Corrected During Inspection


Facility completes daily records as required.

  • In compliance.
In Compliance
Follow-up inspection on March 15, 2024

This premises was found to be in compliance with the Health Protection and Promotion Act R.S.O. 1990.

Not in Compliance
Routine inspection on March 12, 2024

Not in Compliance


Facility completes and records daily tests at least 30 minutes prior to opening and as required.

  • Automatic sensing device: check and record total alkalinity, pH value, free available chlorine and total chlorine or bromine, water clarity, and, in the case of spas, the water temperature every four hours until the daily use period has ended.

Not in Compliance


Facility maintains total alkalinity level as required.

  • Maintain total alkalinity in the range of 80 ppm to 120 ppm.

Not in Compliance


Facility completes daily records as required.

  • Record the time and results of all pool chemistry tests required.

Not in Compliance


Every operator shall be trained in public pool and public spa operation and maintenance, filtration systems, water chemistry and all relevant safety and emergency procedures.

  • Operator shall be trained in public pool and public spa operation and maintenance, filtration systems, water chemistry and all relevant safety and emergency procedures.
In Compliance
Routine inspection on November 30, 2023

This premises was found to be in compliance with the Health Protection and Promotion Act R.S.O. 1990.

In Compliance
Follow-up inspection on August 02, 2023

This premises was found to be in compliance with the Health Protection and Promotion Act R.S.O. 1990.

Not in Compliance
Routine inspection on July 19, 2023

Not in Compliance


Facility completes daily records as required.

  • Record the estimated number of bather uses during the operating day.

Not in Compliance


Every operator shall be trained in public pool and public spa operation and maintenance, filtration systems, water chemistry and all relevant safety and emergency procedures.

  • Operator shall be trained in public pool and public spa operation and maintenance, filtration systems, water chemistry and all relevant safety and emergency procedures.

Not in Compliance


Facility completes and records daily tests at least 30 minutes prior to opening and as required.

  • Determine and record total alkalinity.
  • Determine and record water clarity.
  • Automatic sensing device: check and record total alkalinity, pH value, free available chlorine and total chlorine or bromine, water clarity, and, in the case of spas, the water temperature every four hours until the daily use period has ended.

Not in Compliance


Every owner of a public pool or public spa shall designate an operator.

  • Owner of a public pool or public spa shall designate an operator.
In Compliance
Routine inspection on March 31, 2023

This premises was found to be in compliance with the Health Protection and Promotion Act R.S.O. 1990.

Not in Compliance
Routine inspection on March 29, 2023

Not in Compliance


Emergency telephone meets requirements for facility type.

  • Class B Pool - provide a telephone for emergency use accessible, and no farther than 30 metres from the pool.

Not in Compliance


Facility operational requirements met

Not in Compliance


Facility completes daily records as required.

  • Record the time and results of all pool chemistry tests required.

Not in Compliance


Facility completes and records daily tests at least 30 minutes prior to opening and as required.

  • Determine and record total alkalinity.
  • Determine and record pH value.
  • Determine and record free available chlorine and total chlorine or bromine residual.
  • Determine and record water clarity.
  • Determine and record spa water temperature.
  • Make records of tests conducted.
  • Automatic sensing device: check and record total alkalinity, pH value, free available chlorine and total chlorine or bromine, water clarity, and, in the case of spas, the water temperature every four hours until the daily use period has ended.

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