Ottawa, ON
K1S 3M6
Corrected During Inspection
Facility first aid kit meets requirements.
- Provide rolls of splint padding.
- Provide at least one roll-up splint.
This premises was found to be in compliance with the Health Protection and Promotion Act R.S.O. 1990.
Not in Compliance
Safety equipment required for operation as a public pool provided.
Not in Compliance
Facility first aid kit meets requirements.
- Provide a current copy of a standard first aid manual.
- Provide rolls of splint padding.
- Provide at least one pair of scissors.
- Provide resuscitation pocket masks.
Not in Compliance
Facility first aid kit meets requirements.
- Provide a current copy of a standard first aid manual.
- Provide rolls of splint padding.
- Provide at least one pair of scissors.
- Provide resuscitation pocket masks.
Not in Compliance
Safety equipment required for operation as a public pool provided.
Not in Compliance
Safety equipment required for operation as a public pool provided.
Not in Compliance
Safety equipment required for operation as a public pool provided.
Corrected During Inspection
Facility maintains total alkalinity level as required.
- Maintain total alkalinity in the range of 80 ppm to 120 ppm.
Not in Compliance
Required signage for operation as a public pool provided
- Pool notice required in no less than two places at the pool.
- Ensure pool notice states that no person infected with a communicable disease or having open sores on their body shall enter the pool.
- Ensure pool notice states that no person shall bring a glass container onto the deck or into the pool.
- Ensure pool notice states that no person shall pollute the water in the pool in any manner and that spitting, spouting of water and blowing the nose in the pool or on the deck are prohibited.
- Ensure pool notice states that no person shall engage in boisterous play in or about the pool.
- Ensure pool notice states the maximum number of bathers permitted on the deck and in the pool at any time.
- Ensure pool notice states the location of a telephone that is available for emergency use.
- Ensure pool notice provides any other information or photos that the owner or operator determines is necessary to maintain the health and safety of the persons using the pool.
Not in Compliance
Required signage for operation as a public pool provided
- Pool notice required in no less than two places at the pool.
- Ensure pool notice states that no person infected with a communicable disease or having open sores on their body shall enter the pool.
- Ensure pool notice states that no person shall bring a glass container onto the deck or into the pool.
- Ensure pool notice states that no person shall pollute the water in the pool in any manner and that spitting, spouting of water and blowing the nose in the pool or on the deck are prohibited.
- Ensure pool notice states that no person shall engage in boisterous play in or about the pool.
- Ensure pool notice states the maximum number of bathers permitted on the deck and in the pool at any time.
- Ensure pool notice states the location of a telephone that is available for emergency use.
Not in Compliance
Facility completes daily records as required.
- Record any emergencies, rescues or breakdowns of equipment that have occurred.
- Record the time and results of all pool chemistry tests required.
- Record the type and amount of chemicals added manually to the pool or spa.
Not in Compliance
Safety equipment required for operation as a public pool provided.
- Provide two buoyant throwing aids, each of which has securely attached to it a six millimetre diameter rope of a length not less than one-half the width of the pool plus three metres.
Not in Compliance
Required signage for operation as a public pool provided
- Pool notice required in no less than two places at the pool.
- Ensure pool notice states that no person infected with a communicable disease or having open sores on their body shall enter the pool.
- Ensure pool notice states that no person shall bring a glass container onto the deck or into the pool.
- Ensure pool notice states that no person shall pollute the water in the pool in any manner and that spitting, spouting of water and blowing the nose in the pool or on the deck are prohibited.
- Ensure pool notice states that no person shall engage in boisterous play in or about the pool.
- Ensure pool notice states the maximum number of bathers permitted on the deck and in the pool at any time.
- Ensure pool notice states the location of a telephone that is available for emergency use.
Not in Compliance
Facility maintains total alkalinity level as required.
- Maintain total alkalinity in the range of 80 ppm to 120 ppm.
Not in Compliance
Facility completes weekly or monthly tests as required.
- Inspect all water, gravity and suction outlet covers at least once within each period of 30 operating days.
- Test-buttons associated with the ground current leakage detecting and de-energizing devices are activated daily, and tested either monthly or in accordance with manufacturer's directions, whichever is more frequent.
Not in Compliance
Facility operational requirements met
- Every owner and every operator must maintain all components of the pool or spa in proper working order.
- Every owner and every operator must ensure the pool or spa is closed until the outlet cover is repaired or replaced, if any outlet cover is found to be loose or missing.
Not in Compliance
Facility completes daily records as required.
- Record the estimated number of bather uses during the operating day.
- Record the reading of the make-up water meter for pools and, if applicable, for spas, as of the end of the day.
- Record any emergencies, rescues or breakdowns of equipment that have occurred.
- Record the time and results of all pool chemistry tests required.
- Record the type and amount of chemicals added manually to the pool or spa.
Not in Compliance
Colour coding of exposed piping requirements are met.
- Provide coloured bands at least 25 millimetres wide spaced along the piping at intervals not greater than 1.20 metres, or paint the entire outer surface of the piping; green for potable water, yellow for chlorine.
Not in Compliance
Written emergency and operational procedures and instructions are available.
- Ensure that written emergency and operational procedures and instructions are available at the pool to be implemented in the event of an emergency, accident or injury in the pool.
Not in Compliance
Facility completes and records daily tests at least 30 minutes prior to opening and as required.
- Determine and record total alkalinity.
- Determine and record pH value.
- Determine and record free available chlorine and total chlorine or bromine residual.
- Determine and record water clarity.
- Make records of tests conducted.
- Automatic sensing device: check and record total alkalinity, pH value, free available chlorine and total chlorine or bromine, water clarity, and, in the case of spas, the water temperature every four hours until the daily use period has ended.
Not in Compliance
Safety equipment required for operation as a public pool provided.
- Provide a spine board or device designed for lifting from the pool or spa a person who may have incurred a spinal injury.
Not in Compliance
Required signage for operation as a public pool provided
- Pool notice required in no less than two places at the pool.
- Ensure pool notice states that no person infected with a communicable disease or having open sores on their body shall enter the pool.
- Ensure pool notice states that no person shall bring a glass container onto the deck or into the pool.
- Ensure pool notice states that no person shall pollute the water in the pool in any manner and that spitting, spouting of water and blowing the nose in the pool or on the deck are prohibited.
- Ensure pool notice states that no person shall engage in boisterous play in or about the pool.
- Ensure pool notice states the maximum number of bathers permitted on the deck and in the pool at any time.
- Ensure pool notice states the location of a telephone that is available for emergency use.
Not in Compliance
Facility maintains total alkalinity level as required.
- Maintain total alkalinity in the range of 80 ppm to 120 ppm.
Not in Compliance
Safety equipment required for operation as a public pool provided.
- Provide two buoyant throwing aids, each of which has securely attached to it a six millimetre diameter rope of a length not less than one-half the width of the pool plus three metres.
- Provide a spine board or device designed for lifting from the pool or spa a person who may have incurred a spinal injury.
Not in Compliance
Facility operational requirements met
- Every owner and every operator must maintain all components of the pool or spa in proper working order.
- Every owner and every operator must ensure that, except during the daily use period, the pool or spa is rendered inaccessible to persons who are not involved with its operation, inspection or maintenance.
- Every owner and every operator must ensure that the circulation system and the chemical feeders are in continuous operation, except for stoppage for maintenance, draining, repairs or backwashing of filters or for a closure for a continuous period of seven days or more, throughout the entire 24 hours of each day without regard to the daily use period.
- Outlet cover(s) confirmed to be secure and in good repair at the time of inspection.
Not in Compliance
Written emergency and operational procedures and instructions are available.
- Ensure that written emergency and operational procedures and instructions are available at the pool to be implemented in the event of an emergency, accident or injury in the pool.
Not in Compliance
Facility completes weekly or monthly tests as required.
- Inspect all water, gravity and suction outlet covers at least once within each period of 30 operating days.
- Test-buttons associated with the ground current leakage detecting and de-energizing devices are activated daily, and tested either monthly or in accordance with manufacturer's directions, whichever is more frequent.
Not in Compliance
Facility completes daily records as required.
- Record the estimated number of bather uses during the operating day.
- Record the reading of the make-up water meter for pools and, if applicable, for spas, as of the end of the day.
- Record any emergencies, rescues or breakdowns of equipment that have occurred.
- Record the time and results of all pool chemistry tests required.
- Record the type and amount of chemicals added manually to the pool or spa.
Not in Compliance
Colour coding of exposed piping requirements are met.
- Provide coloured bands at least 25 millimetres wide spaced along the piping at intervals not greater than 1.20 metres, or paint the entire outer surface of the piping; green for potable water, yellow for chlorine.
Not in Compliance
Facility completes and records daily tests at least 30 minutes prior to opening and as required.
- Determine and record total alkalinity.
- Determine and record pH value.
- Determine and record free available chlorine and total chlorine or bromine residual.
- Determine and record water clarity.
- Make records of tests conducted.
- Automatic sensing device: check and record total alkalinity, pH value, free available chlorine and total chlorine or bromine, water clarity, and, in the case of spas, the water temperature every four hours until the daily use period has ended.
Not in Compliance
Facility completes weekly or monthly tests as required.
- Inspect all water, gravity and suction outlet covers at least once within each period of 30 operating days.
- Test-buttons associated with the ground current leakage detecting and de-energizing devices are activated daily, and tested either monthly or in accordance with manufacturer's directions, whichever is more frequent.
Not in Compliance
Safety equipment required for operation as a public pool provided.
- Provide two buoyant throwing aids, each of which has securely attached to it a six millimetre diameter rope of a length not less than one-half the width of the pool plus three metres.
- Provide a spine board or device designed for lifting from the pool or spa a person who may have incurred a spinal injury.
Not in Compliance
Written emergency and operational procedures and instructions are available.
- Ensure that written emergency and operational procedures and instructions are available at the pool to be implemented in the event of an emergency, accident or injury in the pool.
Not in Compliance
Facility completes and records daily tests at least 30 minutes prior to opening and as required.
- Determine and record total alkalinity.
- Determine and record pH value.
- Determine and record free available chlorine and total chlorine or bromine residual.
- Determine and record water clarity.
- Make records of tests conducted.
- Automatic sensing device: check and record total alkalinity, pH value, free available chlorine and total chlorine or bromine, water clarity, and, in the case of spas, the water temperature every four hours until the daily use period has ended.
Not in Compliance
Required signage for operation as a public pool provided
- Pool notice required in no less than two places at the pool.
- Ensure pool notice states that no person infected with a communicable disease or having open sores on their body shall enter the pool.
- Ensure pool notice states that no person shall bring a glass container onto the deck or into the pool.
- Ensure pool notice states that no person shall pollute the water in the pool in any manner and that spitting, spouting of water and blowing the nose in the pool or on the deck are prohibited.
- Ensure pool notice states that no person shall engage in boisterous play in or about the pool.
- Ensure pool notice states the maximum number of bathers permitted on the deck and in the pool at any time.
- Ensure pool notice states the location of a telephone that is available for emergency use.
Not in Compliance
Colour coding of exposed piping requirements are met.
- Provide coloured bands at least 25 millimetres wide spaced along the piping at intervals not greater than 1.20 metres, or paint the entire outer surface of the piping; green for potable water, yellow for chlorine.
Not in Compliance
Facility operational requirements met
- Every owner and every operator must maintain all components of the pool or spa in proper working order.
- Every owner and every operator must ensure the pool or spa is closed until the outlet cover is repaired or replaced, if any outlet cover is found to be loose or missing.
Not in Compliance
Facility completes daily records as required.
- Record the estimated number of bather uses during the operating day.
- Record the reading of the make-up water meter for pools and, if applicable, for spas, as of the end of the day.
- Record any emergencies, rescues or breakdowns of equipment that have occurred.
- Record the time and results of all pool chemistry tests required.
- Record the type and amount of chemicals added manually to the pool or spa.
Corrected During Inspection
At least 14 days before a public pool or public spa is put into use after construction or alteration, the owner or the owners agent shall notify, in writing, the medical officer of health or the public health inspector.
- Provide written notification of intent to open or re-open after construction or alteration.
- Permission in writing is required to open or re-open after construction or alteration (excludes routine maintenance or repair or replacement of existing equipment).
- Provide notification for re-opening after closure exceeding four weeks.
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