This premises was found to be in compliance with the Health Protection and Promotion Act R.S.O. 1990.
Not in Compliance
Emergency telephone meets requirements for facility type.
- Public Spa - provide a land line emergency telephone that connects directly to an emergency service or the local telephone utility is located within 30 metres of the spa.
- Enforcement action taken.
Not in Compliance
Facility operational requirements met
- Every owner and every operator must maintain all components of the pool or spa in proper working order.
Not in Compliance
Emergency telephone is present and operational.
This premises was found to be in compliance with the Health Protection and Promotion Act R.S.O. 1990.
Not in Compliance
Every operator shall be trained in public pool and public spa operation and maintenance, filtration systems, water chemistry and all relevant safety and emergency procedures.
- Operator shall be trained in public pool and public spa operation and maintenance, filtration systems, water chemistry and all relevant safety and emergency procedures.
Not in Compliance
Facility completes daily records as required.
- Record the time and results of all pool chemistry tests required.
Not in Compliance
Facility maintains disinfectant level as required.
- Spa - Ensure residual of free available chlorine of public spa water maintained between 5 -10 ppm.
This premises was found to be in compliance with the Health Protection and Promotion Act R.S.O. 1990.
This premises was found to be in compliance with the Health Protection and Promotion Act R.S.O. 1990.
This premises was found to be in compliance with the Health Protection and Promotion Act R.S.O. 1990.
Not in Compliance
Every owner of a public pool or public spa shall designate an operator.
- Owner of a public pool or public spa shall designate an operator.
Not in Compliance
Facility completes and records daily tests at least 30 minutes prior to opening as required.
Not in Compliance
Facility completes daily records as required.
- Record the estimated number of bather uses during the operating day.
Not in Compliance
Every operator shall be trained in public pool and public spa operation and maintenance, filtration systems, water chemistry and all relevant safety and emergency procedures.
- Operator shall be trained in public pool and public spa operation and maintenance, filtration systems, water chemistry and all relevant safety and emergency procedures.
This premises was found to be in compliance with the Health Protection and Promotion Act R.S.O. 1990.
Not in Compliance
Facility maintains disinfectant level as required.
- Pool - Ensure residual of free available chlorine of public pool water maintained between 0.5 - 10 ppm.
Not in Compliance
Facility maintains total alkalinity level as required.
- Maintain total alkalinity in the range of 80 ppm to 120 ppm.
Not in Compliance
Emergency telephone is present and operational.
- In the case of a public spa, the telephone required under clause (1) (c) is tested to confirm that it is in operating condition.
- In the case of a public spa, a land line emergency telephone that connects directly to an emergency service or the local telephone utility is located within 30 metres of the spa.
Not in Compliance
Facility operational requirements met
- Every owner and every operator must maintain all components of the pool or spa in proper working order.
Not in Compliance
Emergency telephone meets requirements for facility type.
- Public Spa - provide a land line emergency telephone that connects directly to an emergency service or the local telephone utility is located within 30 metres of the spa.
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